Change Management … With Half a Chance of Success [One Day Workshop]

Change is an elusive goal for organisations: while many have change programs, change managers, change agents and change champions, few are able to realise actual lasting change.

Change … With Half a Chance of Success takes a different approach from other change programs by starting with an organisation’s existing situation and working from there to deal with real and specific business problems. This anchors the change effort in what’s real and workable, thereby avoiding ‘pie in the sky’ programs that are removed from the organisation’s ongoing business issues.

Workshop Outcomes
After completing Change Management … With Half a Chance of Success participants will be able to:

• Recognise what works from what doesn’t in causing Change in their organisations, and
• Implement a Change Program in their organisation and keep it on track.

Key Content
Change Management … With Half a Chance of Success includes the following:

• How change actually occurs
• Establishing measures of success for a change effort
• The critical success factors for a change program
• Making change stick
• Why change programs fail
• Identifying key stakeholders and influencing them to support change, and
• Changing organisational structure.

Each participant receives a pack of material including notes, templates and questionnaires.

Target Audience
Change Management … With Half a Chance of Success is targeted at middle and senior managers responsible for sponsoring change in their organisations, as well as front-line staff responsible for actually implementing change.

Michael Carman Consulting assists organisations define and improve performance; develop and implement strategy; and creatively solve problems. We do this through the use of learning and development courses (off the shelf and tailored), workshops, focus groups, research, structured programs, and reviews.

For inquiries contact Michael Carman on phone 0414 383 374 or email  


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